Saturday, April 19, 2008

Propel water sketch

People sketching

These aren't as loose as I was striving for, but I think that's a work in process. I'm so detail oriented that I really have to consciously force myself to draw looser.

Albrecht Durer watercolor pencils
Micron pens

Gollum - my ultimate achievement

This is my favorite and what I believe to be my best work of art. I made it in high school, working on it everyday for a month and a half. When my dad moved this down to Portland it got a little wrinkled at the bottom and Gollum now has a small hole on the tip of his nose, but I still love this piece. It's in charcoal.

Flashback - Oasis

A charcoal oasis in the desert. I made this my sophomore year of high school.

Flashback - Escher-alike

I love this Escher piece, so I was going to do it in charcoal. This is a very light outline of it in graphite that has been waiting years for me to do something with it.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Flashback - oil pastel

Just a disclaimer: this image is a reworking of a classic piece by a famous dead artist. It was an assignment during high school to pick a famous artist and one of their pieces and try to recreate it. Unfortunately, I can't remember who it was.